May 282013

neonsign-02 diy neon signKaren Horn of The Poopers blog has written a fabulous tutorial about How to Create a Neon Sign using “High Bright” wire for general use, or “Phat” electroluminescent wire from Cool Neon.  The tutorial specifies the specific supplies she used from Cool Neon, including the Quieter Blue Fish Driver, Heat Shrink Tubing (Heat Shrink Tubing is included for free with every purchase of Cool Neon wire (about an inch per estimated solder joint, but sometimes you might need a little bit more) and  Wire Side Connectors.  The other supplies needed can be purchased at the hardware store.

We love how clear and thorough this tutorial is, and you could apply her steps to lots of different projects.

Thanks for the great tips Karen and we would love to hear from you when you create your next Cool Neon project.

Benny, Karen and the Elves