Jan 102013

Five Point O’s Aussie Summer Tour 2013 from tzoul shine on Vimeo.

We love this fabulous video. Tzoul Shine used Aqua and Blue 2.6mm Cool Neon wire. And a note from Tzoul:

At the base level 5.0 is a stage dancer; at the core he is the perfect vibe enhancement engineer. He specializes in audience participation, fusing the music with the people. This is only the beginning for Five Point O. You have the unique opportunity to put 5.0 on your stage and enjoy the process. Five Point O works well with others and is excited to participate in large well choreographed performances. He also excels on the floor with the audience. At this time 5.o does not come with his own music, this should lead you to believe that he is prepared for anything.

Being extremely confident in what I’m doing, I still wish to sell Five Point O to you as an experiment. Noting at present, he has little choreography, supplementing this with a lifetime of social dance experience. I would be happy to go into detail about the future, “5.0’s Dance Coach Show”, with you. Thank you for your time and I know you will enjoy contacting me for booking of this unique and powerful act:

Music by……. Opiuo……..


Benny, Karen and the Elves

Oct 042012

Mike Chiappetta sent us a photo of his costume for the Playa this year, and what do you want to bet that it might come out for Halloween too?

He used 3 drivers – 1) the face is on a hat as a seperate driver, 2) the heart beats on and off as a seperate driver and 3) the body uses a “Big Boy” driver for the chest, arms and legs. He sewed it with fishing line for durability and kept the cool neon wire loose for easy movement.

Thanks for sending us a photo Mike, we love seeing your art.

Mike Chiappetta

Benny, Karen & the Elves