Jul 102015

Electroluminescent Wire CostumeCool Neon Electroluminescent Wire Costumes

Darryl Thomas of the Western Oregon University Dept. of Theater and Dance, Rainbow Dance Theatre, sent us these fabulous videos of his dance “The Owl and The Serpent”. Here is his description of his work:

It is a dance allegory loosely based on the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  The dance is approximately 25 minutes in length.  It features Cool Neon’s electroluminescent wire,  2.6mm high bright wire.  Each costume is actually two costumes in one (e.g. an owl & serpent, man & serpent, woman & owl).
I control the costumes using two, six circuit wireless controllers that I had designed and built for this dance. The specific circuit that is activated determines which costume is visible.  Each of the 12 circuits (per costume) is programmed on a timeline with the music.   Each costume has approximately 250′ – 300′ of 2.6mm high bright wire and is powered by a single 12 volt battery pack with approximately 12 blue fish drivers. Additionally there are props (bats, flowers, snake, etc.) and a full stage set element (tree branch with fruit) that are all controlled via the same wireless device and their on/off sequence is also programmed on a time line with the costumes.

Here is a five minute version of the dance:

The Owl & The Serpent from Darryl Thomas on Vimeo.

Rainbow Dance Theatre

Here is the entire 25 minute dance:

“The Owl & Serpent” Live Performance from Darryl Thomas on Vimeo.

Darryl  will be performing “The Owl & the Serpent” again in September, and we will let you know when and where just in case you live in the Pacific Northwest.

Daryl, we love it when you send us your work, and we love sharing it with our readers, thank you so much.

Benny, Karen and the Elves

Aug 082014

running lionWe love this project from our client Jon. The lion is wired onto mesh on a 8′ by 4′ frame. Jon’s plan is to tow it behind an art car shaped like a Rhino.  We want to see that, don’t you?  
Jon used the Cool Neon Arduino Shield. with the Classic Big Boy Driver, and 300 feet of yellow Cool Neon wire (High Bright 2.6mm).
Check out the video, it is going to be amazing to see on the Playa at night.

Benny, Karen and the Elves

Mar 262014

cool neon maker faire  MASAVE THE DATES Saturday & Sunday, May 17th and 18th

Well of course we are going to be at the Maker Faire again this year, because that is what you are, Makers.  So come on out to see us. It is a full-blown community fair that celebrates making, invention and creativity.  This family-friendly event brings together science, art, craft, homesteading and engineering plus music, food, workshops, and performance, and showcases the amazing work of makers across the San Francisco Bay and beyond.

This year we will once again will have a booth in the FIESTA HALL (Dark Hall), where our “LITEWALL” is indicated on the map. If you come in the East Gate, you will have easy access to us.

2014 maker map

We look forward to seeing you there! You are not going to want to miss any of it.

When:  Saturday & Sunday, May 17th and 18th
Where: San Mateo County Events Center, CA
Saturday 10am – 8pm
Sunday 10am – 6pm

Buy Tickets to Maker Faire Today!

We look forward to seeing you.
Benny, Karen and the Elves

Photo by Misha Kutuzov (MKGraph)