Aug 192012

serpent twinsAs we get closer and closer to the Playa this year we are excited to see The Serpent Twins coming back to the Playa with all new costuming, lighting and fire effects. We are pleased that they are using lots of Total Control Lighting Pixels.  The Jormungand (Midgard) and Julunggul (Rainbow) serpents sit between 2 worlds; the old world that needed and revered them and the present which has shunned such monsters as fears metamorphosed into mythical form. The two 50-foot kinetic mobile sculptures are rendered in metal and cast off materials using modern science; restoring ancient mythos to our Playa community.

Benny, Karen and the Elves

Aug 102011

Come learn the (really simple) skill of soldering EL Wire – and light up your creations!

Cool Neon EL Wire soldering demo by Howard - you can learn this too!FREE soldering demonstration!
Plus we have all the Cool Neon EL Wire
you need for your Artistic creations.

Cool Neon EL Wire in beautiful Oakland CaliforniaWhere:

Cool Neon EL Wire soldering expert Josh

Cool Neon EL Wire/Funhouse Productions
1433 Mandela Parkway, West Oakland, CA 94607

TODAY!  Wednesday August 10, 2011
TIME: 5pm – 8pm

Also tonight: Volunteer to help work on The Serpent Twins!


Maybe you can make this:
Total Control Lighting - at Cool Neon Funhouse Productions  into this?  Cool Neon EL Wire Star Suit

 Come see our soldering demo  – give it a go – learn how to do something really awesome!


Total Control Lighting!

Total Control Lighting - at Cool Neon Funhouse Productions