Aug 212013

jessica at gencon  jessica at gencon2Our customer Jessica wrote us this note a couple of days ago and we thought you might like to see it:

A few months ago I placed a Cool Neon order in order to finish a cosplay that I debuted at Gencon a few days ago. I just got some pictures back and thought I’d pass them on.. because… hey, pictures are cool.

I’m not sure if you’re fans of Starcraft, but what the hell. I ran a real-life dungeon crawl at the convention a few hours after dark and was completely freaking people out by the AMAZING glow from my suit. I had sooooo many questions, and plugged you guys quite a bit. 🙂 And had a lot of people ask me how to work with the wire and how to solder it…. so I wanted to say thanks for the amazing tutorials on your site, because without them i’d be glow-less.

Amazing product that you have!

Thanks for your note and photos Jessica, YES, we LOVE photos.  You look fabulous and we are here to help any time we can.
Benny, Karen and the Elves
Jun 042013

electric daisy montageWere you thinking you might go to the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, June 21 -23?  Well, we think if you are going to go you will absolutely need some fabulous lighting for this colorful event.  Here are some of our suggestions for you:

 Pocket Plasma.  A disc of plasma light that reacts to music

Rainbow Tassles.  a burst of all 10 of our High Bright and Hella Phat colors
Fuze Necklaces.  polished quartz necklaces that radiate a spectrum of light.
Cool Neon Sunglasses
Look at all of our Instant Gratification Cool Neon items that are ready to wear.

And here are a couple more possibilities:

Our 5ft plug and play unit. 10ft and 20ft options are available too.

For more advanced costumes our total control lighting paired with a gateway controller.

Rainbow Tassles will need a driver.  We suggest the AA Handheld driver.
Pocket Plasmas, drivers, and Plug & Play kits will need batteries.

And of course we would love to see your photos, feel free to post them on our Facebook page.

Benny, Karen and the Elves


May 062013

mausheadpinkAre you a  house genre or electronic dance music fan?  Are you a fan of deadmau5? Do you want to go to a festival in style? Did you know you can light a mau5head with Total Control Lighting and other Cool Neon products?  Well that is very interesting, but what is a mau5head you might ask?  A mau5head is a physical representation of the logo for deadmau5.

One of our customers, David Staar sent us these photo of the mau5head he made and is lighting with Total Control Lighting.

We think it is pretty cool!  Thanks David for sending us a photo!

Benny, Karen and the Elves