Oct 152013
Ping & Benny

Ping & Benny

Casey Laura & Benny

Casey Laura & Benny

We had an amazing evening dancing and lighting up the screen with all of you at San Francisco Decompression.  Everybody danced, babies, clowns, lions, programmers, and we loved watching people understand that they were making the screen change.

decom sf

Thanks for being there with us.

Benny, Karen, Ping and the Elves

Oct 092013

planatary dreams  3-10-07 at 10.39.53 AMOur customer Paul of Sable Studios sent us a prototype of his 3D half dome “Planetary Dreams”.  This is 100 bullet pixels in a hemisphere, it could be made as a wall piece, floor mounted or hung as a mobile or the Ultimate Disco Ball!  A full Sphere it would contain 200 pixels.

He uses square  pixels in some other designs.  He uses Sintra as a substrate, he designed the armatures, had them fabricated using a CNC overhead router and they are run by gateway controllers.

They are scalable, and he can adapt them to your needs.

If you are interested in contacting Paul:

Benny, Karen and the Elves

Sep 162013

Lightwalker makes the front page of the local newspaper.

He used 350 pixels … 75 on each leg and 100 on each arm, a mix of bullets and squares.  The squares are on his pants and are 2 strands of 25 that he split and added connectors. He has a great tutorial you should check out.

We think that is very exciting, good job, Casey!

Lightwalker newspaper

Benny, Karen and the Elves