Jan 282013

anthrolumehires brianWe are excited to tell you about our client Bryan Ressler and his art, which can be found at  ANTHROLUME – An experiment in wearable electronic art.  His blog includes a video and range of photos and our favorites, posts on “Accidental Art” and “How Art Begins”.  We always love information about the artist’s process.

We wanted to show you this photo of Bryan that was in LA Weekly. We could not help but love it.  Bryan’s camp on the Playa, Prismaticamp, had 12 wearable LED outfits of different kinds, and a vehicle, all using Total Control Lighting.

Photo credit: Curious Josh, LA Weekly
Brian’s work will be at Oscillate, a gallery in Seattle until February 8, 2013, with an artist’s panel on February 6th.  Do stop by if you are in the area.
Benny, Karen and the Elves